Wednesday, May 27, 2009


"Stage" in Millenium park, Chicago. The building appears to be mimicing the shape of a flower Thin steel netting seema to orbit around the shape, giving the whole environment a sense of circulation.

I have used this image to inspire Madonna's space. The petals open in and out from the flower centre, in the way Madonna's seems to draw people to her.

The 'Captial' building... Washington D.C- the hub of political life

The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is a modern and contemporary art museum designed by Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry. It is interesting that despite the seemingly random twisted and contorted shapes of the building walls, the base is extremely flat, symmetrical and angular. This gives the building a consistant based which unites every every different element.
I will try to utilise this idea within Obama's space.

"H" shape elevator in Unreal based on 2 point perspective.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Clients and the Mashup

The Clients...

Miuccia Prada, photographer: unknown, Time

Barack Obama, photographer: Steven Meisel. Vanity Fair

Madonna, photographer: Steven Meisel. Vanity Fair

The Mashup...

"The world is a series of rooms, which are arranged like concentric circles, or rooms within rooms, joined by courtyards and antechambers, and in the room at the center of all those rooms sit fear and power. Both of which cannot peacefully coexist. To reach this most rarefied and potent ranks of power, whether in deal making or designing, one must have a certain serenity. A certain above-the-fray quality. To reach this power, the crowds must wait for a sign. When it comes, if pure of heart, they can to move toward it. One moment they are in, the next moment they are swept up by a force greater than themselves. They were on the highway, flashing past, moving closer and closer to the center, which they approach deftly and humbly. They were there to experience history. It follows, then, that the first achievements of power attracted unprecedented numbers of the crowds. They flock in the manner of pilgrims, to experience something that once was unimaginable- something which did not follows anyone else's lead, just it’s own original energy. In their excitement they were open and good-natured with each other and struck up animated conversations with strangers."

The References:

Vanityfair,“Madonnarama” Written by Rich Cohen, May 2008 (accessed 9th April 2009)
Time, “The Power List Women In Fashion: Miuccia Prada”
Written by Belinda Luscombe, 2009 (accessed 9th April 2009)

The Age, “Man of attraction: President Barack Obama's pulling power at inauguration”
Written by Ian Munro, January 21 2009 (accessed 9th April 2009)

2 point perspective drawings

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Images and captions of final UT2004 environment

Electroliquid Aggregation quote:

"The weight of gravity is a balance of risk and benefit"


This image shows the space created for Keith Campbell set outside the cliff face. It explores the concept of balance; the equality between the totals of two elements. In regards to the quote above, the two elements are risk and benefit. Sometimes they do not balance and therefore instability and chaos ensure. This space represents this volatility.

The ramp:

This image shows the ramp which connects the two spaces and provides an area for collaboration between the Campbell and Cousteau. The ramp represents the amalgamation of the concepts of gravity and balance and explores the effects each has on the other. The ramp acts as a scale, and by using the weight of gravity, the elements of risk and benefit can be balanced.


This image shows the space for Jacques Cousteau set within the cliff. It explores the concept of the weight of gravity. This space shows how the strong force of gravity can push matter downwards. This downward push produces a benefit of more space but also carries the risk of creating a space which is unusable and potentially dangerous.