Sunday, March 15, 2009

1st Sketchup Model Draft and Corresponding Cross Sections

The following cross section inspired the Sketchup model below

Upper Level= Cheekily ( Tracey Moffat),
Lower Level= Bewilderment (Rosaline Gascgoine)

The idea of the top floor was to create a sense of tenticles escaping from something hard that has contricted them. They are 'cheekily' disobeying their enclosure.
The underground level shows irregular sharp angles biting into an otherwise bland shape. These shapes represent the unsuspecting surprise that bewilderment often brings.
MATERIALS: Not entirely sure as to what materials would best suit this model -possibly a combination of glass, timber and concrete.
PLEASE NOTE: This model is incredibly rough and not detailed in any way shape or form. I am still getting to know sketchup!!!


  1. cool images on your site

    Excellent post! I really enjoyed it. I will be back for more!

  2. looks good, just need more detail
