Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Project 2: Initial Ideas for Narratives

My initial narritives explored a literal story of the painting. I wanted my model to describe the tension, whether it be sexual or emmotional, between the man and the woman.

* ' The final meeting of the layer and his mistress in the office'

* ' In the office, he lawyer and his secretary work late into the night'

* 'Tension builds at the office as the lawyer and his secretary work late into the night'

However these narratives provide little to go on for the atmosphere/visualisation on an inetrior space. They also lack one effective character and an activity.

I did however gleam some key words of 'tension', 'strain', 'possibility' and 'penetration'

I then foucssed on one particular character...

* 'the young secretary ponders the adjacent room and ponders the possibilities.'

However this sentence is still ambiguous.

* ' The man looks upon the room that can't be entered yet can't be ignored'

This is getting closer but I still need to be more specific and create an atmosphere and an activity.

*'The man sits at his desk in his lofty office and ponders the room that cannot be enetered, yet cannot be ignored'

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